Athletikkonzept | Stand: 1.12.2019

LITERATUR Deutscher Handballbund Athletikkonzept 33 Haugen, T. A., Tønnessen, E. & Seiler, S. (2016). Physical and physiological characteristics of male handball play- ers: influence of playing position and competitive level. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 56 (1-2), 19-26. Hori, M.S., Newton, R.U., Nosaka, K., Stone, M.H. (2005). Weightlifting Exercises Enhance Athletic Performance That Requires High-Load Speed Strength. National Strength and Conditioning Association, 27(4), pp.50-55. K Karcher, C. & Buchheit, M. (2014a). Competitive demands of elite handball. Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, 3, 112-119. Karcher, C. & Buchheit, M. (2014b). On-Court Demands of Elite Handball, with Special Reference to Playing Positi- ons. Sports Medicine, 44 (6), 797-814. Karvonen, M., Kentala, K. & Mustala, O. (1957). The effects of training heart rate: a longitudinal study. Annales Me- dicinae Experimentalis et Biologiae Fenniae, 35, 307-315. Keiner, Michael; Sander, Andre; Wirth, Klaus; Schmidtbleicher, Dietmar Long-Term StrengthTraining Effects on Change-of-Direction Sprint Performance, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: January 2014 - Volu- me 28 - Issue 1 - p 223–231 Keferstein, G., Mager, R., Houben, P., Müller, D., Adler, S. & Bednarz, M. (2018). Eishockey Performance : Athletik- training, Ernährung, Regeneration und Trainingsplanung für Profis und Nachwuchsspieler. (3. Aufl.): Bioflow Pu- blishing. Kromer, A. (2015). Positionstraining für Rückraum-, Kreis- und Außenspieler. Münster: Philippka-Sportverlag. Krüger, K., Pilat, C., Ückert, K., Frech, T. & Mooren, F. C. (2014). Physical performance profile of handball players is related to playing position and playing class. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (1), 117-125. L Lames, M., Augste, C., Dreckmann, C., Görsdorf, K. & Schimanski, M. (2008). Der "Relative Age Effect" (RAE): neue Hausaufgaben für den Sport. Leistungssport, 38 (6), 4-9. Lauersen, J. B., Bertelsen, D. M. & Andersen, L. B. (2014). The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48, 871-877. Leibiger, R. & Büsch, D. (2018). Training mit dem Schubschlitten. Neue Impulse für das Athletiktraining im Hand- ball. handballtraining, 40 (4+5), 32-36. Lesinski, M., Prieske, O. & Granacher, U. (2016). Effects and dose-response relationships of resistance training on physical performance in youth athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medici- ne, 50 (13), 781-795. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-09549 Lloyd, R. S. (2018). Das motorische Entwicklungsmodell nach Lloyd - Ein Update. Leistungssport, 48 (5), 6-7. Lloyd, R. S., Cronin, J. B., Faigenbaum, A. D., Haff, G. G., Howard, R., Kraemer, W. J., ... & Oliver, J. L. (2016). National Strength and Conditioning Association position statement on long-term athletic development. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30 (6), 1491-1509. Lloyd, R. S. & Oliver, J. L. (2012). The Youth Physical Development Model: A New Approach to Long-Term Athletic Development. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 34, 61-72. Lloyd, R. S., Oliver, J. L., Faigenbaum, A. D., Howard, R., De Ste Croix, M. B. A., Williams, C. A., Best, T. M., Alvar, B. A., Micheli, L. J., Phillip Thomas, D., Hatfield, D. L., Cronin, J. B. & Myer, G. D. (2015). Long-term athletic development - part 1: a pathway for all youth. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29 (5), 1439-1450. Luig, P. (2008). Laufleistungs- und Laufgeschwindigkeitsprofile männlicher Hallenhandballer bei der Handball- weltmeisterschaft 2007 in Deutschland - eine empirische Studie. Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln: Köln. Luig, P., Bloch, H., Klein, C. & Büsch, D. (2018). Diagnostik und Betreuung im Handball - Praktikable Tests und Tools zur Leistungssteigerung und Verletzungsprävention. Hamburg: VBG. M Malone, S. et al. (2018). High-speed running and sprinting as an injury risk factor in soccer: Can well-developed physical qualities reduce the risk? Journal of science and medicine in sport 21(3): 257-262. Mantek, F. & Vater, M. (2014a). Gewichtheben in Perfektion - Bewegungsablauf Umsetzen. Leimen: BVDG. Mantek, F. & Vater, M. (2014b). Gewichtheben in Perfektion - Bewegungsablauf Reißen. Leimen: BVDG. Michalsik, L. B. & Aagaard, P. (2015). Physical demands in elite team handball: comparisons between male and fe- male players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 55 (9), 878-891. Mayo, M., Seijas, R., Alvares, P. (2014). Structured neuromuscular warm-up for injury prevention in young elite football players Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol. Nov-Dec;58(6):336-42. doi: 10.1016/j.recot.2014.05.008.